Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm Thankful for....

For my mom who gave me life and calls me every week.

For my dad who drops everything to call me when he finds I might be down.

For my children who help me to remember that they really enjoy the traditions I created and remind me that I am a good mom; especially when they call me for the holidays.

For my friends who hold me together when I look like I just might loose it.

For my husband who does everything in his power to ensure my happiness and desires to be an incredible lover and my best friend.

For the opportunity to live in Japan and experience all the culture has to offer.

For my new home in Japan, my new American friends in Japan and my new Japanese friends.

For my sisters who are just the best sisters a gal could have. 

For the prosperity I’ve enjoyed, not just financially (thought that is nice), but more importantly in love, peace, and true joy.

For my health and strength.

For forgiveness and deliverance and restoration.

For my salvation.

For being God's favorite...

I am just so incredibly thankful for all God's gifts to me.

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