Sunday, April 8, 2012

Fertility Festival

Yeap... that is what I said "Fertility Festival"

I figured I better write about the last couple weeks before we get to the Spring Break post.  March was an incredibly busy and adventurous month.

Franklin went to a Fertility Festival.  Only in Japan can you go to a festival of this sort.  I will admit when Franklin brought up going, I shed a tear.  I thought he was thinking of having another child.  Those of you who know me know that I am FINISHED! 

Don’t get me wrong.  I love my two adorable, sweet, innocent (cough-cough) and hilarious daughters.  However, I am about to be 21 and the youngest is headed to college.  I am not trying to start over…. It’s party time!

Well, that was not his purpose.  He too heard it would be an interesting festival, so we ventured out.  Let’s just say… it was all about the reproductive system.  You judge for yourself.

You crawl through this shrine to fertilize you loins.

After you put your money in this box, however...

At the Female Shrine
Can you tell what this is?

At the Male Shrine
The grounds were covered in anatomy.

Get it... 

Yeap... that is a tongue!

Parade has begun...

This is just the one carried through the streets as
everyone chants and rubs it.
They pass out sake during the parade.
This is the Male Shrine where the Japanese pray for fertility.
It is much bigger than the female shrine.

This is however a serious affair for many.  There were a number of placards with messages to the “Fertility Gods”.  Many spoke to the couples desire to have children during this barren time in their lives.  It was touching for me.  I was once there myself.

We women were very under-represented in this festival.  It was the day of the man for sure.

ooo yeah!  The cherry blossoms were spectacular...LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Why was the male shrine bigger?? That is not fair. The women have to carry the child, they cold have represented us a little better!!
