Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jetlag, Eating, Public Restrooms and More...

The Jetlag has been fairly intense.  I went to bed on Friday at 8pm and woke up at 3am.  I was told it was 5am because Franklin could not sleep any longer.  Once his eyes open, he has difficulty staying in bed.  So I called as many people as I could think of to let them know we were safe and sound.  I could not remember everyone -as my mind was not completely intact yet.  We began to unpack necessary clothing.  We are in a hotel room, so it is a struggle. Getting my two roommates to keep it straight is also challenging.  We have a maid, so they do not have to clean so it should be easier….hmmm.

Last night, I could not stay up beyond 7pm.  I was up at 2am this morning.  I made Franklin go back to sleep.  We were in and out of sleep, but we did okay.  Tonight I hope to do better.

This is actually a bedroom connected to the
living room, dining room and kitchen... hmmm.
We have only seen a small amount of Yokosuka thus far.  The three of us have walked for what seems like miles, long walks, but fun walks.  Since I have not been able to get to the gym, I admit I am grateful.  We went to see a number of homes for rent; some are nice, some not so much.  The homes are very small compared to the US.  So I am hoping to find a 5 bedroom in our price range.  The bathrooms are small, closets are sometimes non-existent, and parking requires a very small car.  My X5 would not work here.  Anything bigger than a Mini-Cooper or Volkswagen Bug is scratched and beat up.  I think I will find a place by the end of the month if not sooner.
Kitchen, Living Room and Dining Room 
Of course we are looking for a car as well.  I do not mind the walk and train, but Franklin and Nyjai will want to travel to the base by car each morning.  You know I want a BMW.  I have seen a couple of small ones (318i) I like, but did I not just say cars get scratched.  I would be to upset if my “big money woman” got beat up on these small streets.  It really does not matter that much.  I will take what Franklin says we should have.

Franklin is so funny.  I told him he had six (6) weeks to get rid of the ooo -ooo’s and come back to earth- LOL!  So he took us to get some Ramen noodles and a rice bowl.  He got the opportunity to use his fluent Japanese and I my choppy Japanese.  You know that means I was shopping and he was eating.  I never saw him glow like he does here in Japan.  He is really in his element.  I am loving every minute of it. 

Franklin's favorite romen shop.


Beef Bowls!

Many of you said people came to you and said that the public restrooms are a whole in the ground, much like an outhouse.  I recall arguing with some to say that this is not a third world country and surely they have modern public restrooms.  I am happy to report that we are both right.

What do you think about that?! LOL.  They say they are the cleanest bathrooms in the world, no toilet seats.

We have had so many funny things happen to us.  I cannot even begin to remember them all.  I try so hard though.  I am challenged with mixing up Spanish and Japanese.  One of our house guides offered us some Japanese candy.  We all accepted.  Franklin and Nyjai ate first and as soon as I placed the candy in my mouth, my jaws got stuck almost together.  The two of them thought it would be funny not to tell me it was sour.  They and the guide were doubled over laughing at me.  I literally had to spit it out.  Of course my face and body were already rejecting it before it was back in the package.  Those of you who know I cannot do sour know exactly what that looked like.  I felt so bad about it.  I thought it was so rude to spit it out but I could not hold on to it at all.  The guide was not offended.  She was apologetic.  My two buddies however laughed for a long time.   

Nyjai has school tomorrow and it is Franklin's first day at work.  I have to go to an Area Orientation Brief- a week long class, housing brief and get my license.  I will get some homework completed in there somewhere.  I can not wait to report back on all that.... more adventure.


  1. I'm reading your blog out loud to my husband who is a world traveler! He's cracking up!:). He's travelled to japan and other countries. He said the jet lag is a "butt kicker" LOL but the technology in everything is so awesome! He says it's one of his favorite countries to travel to for work!:) Enjoy!

  2. Too funny! Miss you all!

    Take Care! Mich

  3. Wow you guys are hillarious but I love the pic of the public toilet I don't like suprises. I can't wait to come visit but I will wait long enough that you all are settled and can take me around to see the sights. I miss u guys!

